The child’s visual apparatus develops especially rapidly in the first years of life. Children's ophthalmologist specializes in the anatomy and physiology of the organs of vision, eye diseases in children. The main task of this specialist is to identify the problem as early as possible since in childhood it is easier to cure diseases of the visual system. Among the common ophthalmological problems in children are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism.
However, unlike an adult, the children's visual system is constantly evolving, so the delayed examination can lead to the development of pathology.
In the maternity departments, a neonatologist examines the child’s vision. Next studies should be carried out when the child is six months old, one and three years old. Before starting school, you also need to consult with an ophthalmologist. Then an eye examination is performed annually.
Examine the eyes of your child if he or she has the following symptoms:
- reduced vision;
- problems with fixing the gaze;
- different diameters of the pupils of the eyes;
- redness of the eyes, eyelids;
- itching or pain in the eyes;
- strabismus;
- fear of the light;
- yellow or green discharge from the eyes;
- lacrimation.